Trumaker Taylor Belt

SHOP: Trumaker

SHOP: Trumaker

I love a full-grain leather belt with a matte frame buckle, I really do.

But I'll be the first to admit that I don't know what makes Belgian leather so special.

Maybe they feed their cows waffles and Stella Artois with all those sweet EU agricultural subsidies they get.

Hermès - Spring 2016

There's a reason why Hermès occupies a special place in the fashion world. It's one of the few labels that truly understands the meaning of the word elegance.

Sarah Mower over at Vogue has a terrific write-up of their latest collection. She's right though, it's hard to explain their work in English without sounding like a bit of a stiff.

The Art Spirit - Robert Henri

"...the goal is not making art. It is living a life. Those who live their lives will leave the stuff that is really art. Art is a result. It is the trace of those who have led their lives."

I love this book. It reminds me to be honest about what I find is beautiful in this world and how I should never be afraid to show that in my work.


Putting on the finishing touches of this new website here, and a quick little reveal of the title of my next photo series: Heartland.