
Timo Weiland - Designer Spotlight

SHOP: Timo Weiland // SOURCE: Vogue 

SHOP: Timo Weiland // SOURCE: Vogue 

You may have noticed that runway fashion tends to push in a lot of extreme directions. But not everyone wants to be the punk rock Parisian princess, or look like an amorphous asexual art-deco blob, or be draped head to toe in feathers. In fact I'd say—and I know I'm getting out of line here with the other editors—that women want clothes they can actually wear and still look likeably human.

Hermès - Spring 2016

There's a reason why Hermès occupies a special place in the fashion world. It's one of the few labels that truly understands the meaning of the word elegance.

Sarah Mower over at Vogue has a terrific write-up of their latest collection. She's right though, it's hard to explain their work in English without sounding like a bit of a stiff.